Write A Post :)

If you are interested in writing one post for my site, or whether you want to become a regular poster and administrator, you can't. Ok, you can ;P

How to submit a post
Whether you want to submit a post once a year or a few times a month anyone, any age can publish a post by following these steps:

1. Find something that's cool and creative that you like
2. Write your opinions, get pictures or even better take pictures ect. in a Word Document or something similar.
3. Send it to lucablog345@gmail.com and if it's suitable it'll get published with your name on it :)

How to become an administator
If you want to be able to publish posts regularly or just help out follow these steps to become an administrator:
1. Write a draft post (see steps 1 and 2 above) or a few paragraphs about why you want to help out and your ideas
2. Email it to lucablog345@gmail.com and if I like what you wrote, you get to be an administrator!

If you want to ask any questions about this just email me :P
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